I meant to post this last week, before Thanksgiving, but hopefully it will still make your eyes widen in shock just the same. I bet Big Bird would be really tasty with a little garlic and oregano and poultry seasoning... And stuffing. Can't forget the stuffing. .
Hey, your guess is as good as mine.
I guess this is my cyber-home away from home.
Think of it as a cozy summer cottage with a nice breeze and a lovely view of the lake. Or mountains. Or dolphins... or whatever you like to look at. Work with me here.
It is a scientifically proven fact that the world only makes sense about 14% of the time. Slightly less on Mondays. There is also a little-known theory that all days are actually Mondays in disguise. It's MY theory, and it's little-known because no one ever listens to me.
Do they have Snuffleupagus Stuffing?
Morgen: Yum!
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