It was the same as a regular taco, except with yummy "wild" sauce on them. Although I didn't consider it particularly hot, it was still tasty, and added a decent
I was so disappointed when they eventually removed it from their menu.

But wait! There may be hope yet.
While surfing around today, I found this site where someone tried duplicating the recipe. (!!!!) I'm definitely going to try it.
When I do, I'll blog about it, either here or on The Jannaverse. :)
UPDATE: I tried the recipe today! You can read about the results HERE!
Any luck duplicating the sauce. I loved the Wild Burritos in particular. Would give my right toenail to be able to duplicate that great sauce.
Anon: Believe it or not, I still haven't gotten around to try making the sauce yet. I can't believe it's taken me this long. As soon as I try it, I promise to blog about it, either here or on the Jannaverse. (Sorry also that it took me so long to reply to your comment!)
hi did u make the sauce yet??? was it any good the recipe seems pretty good, just wondering.. thanks
trevor: Yes! I made the recipe today! :)
You can read about it here!
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