I'm confused about the rules, though.
Is it "Post ANYTHING red," or does it have to be something I've actually photographed? If I find a cool picture on the web which happens to be red, can I post that?
Or must it come from my camera?
If it's the latter, then I fear we have a problem.
I've lost my camera.
I unhooked it when I switched computers a couple months ago, and now I can't find it.
It's not a huge loss; it was only a teensy cheap thing which cost somewhere around $10-$20, but still. It bugs me that I can't find it.
Anyway, here's something I found from last year-- something I DID take with my camera. It's me. I played with it in my photoediting program and this is one of the results:
Well, I do think it's supposed to be something you photographed, but I'll leave it to Mary to make the call! It looks like you're very embarrassed or very sunburned, Janna!
I think it's supposed to be one of our own photographs, but that doesn't mean we can't tweak the rules, right?
YUP that one definitely counts as RED, er I mean Ruby.
(you KNOW I'm cracking up over you losing your camera, right? perhaps Laundy Mountain ate it...)
Well I think it's time to buy another $10-20. camera, don't you, Janna? Love your pic and the photo-editing! And boy are you lucky you didn't post a pic from the net I would have had to REMOVE it post-haste!! ;) Happy Ruby Tuesday! :)
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